Based on the PBS Kids series, Odd Squad Live brings Kid Agents Olive and Otto right here to Houston. The Odd Squad follows the extraordinary adventures of two young government agents who use math skills and teamwork to solve unusual cases.
In this all-new live, interactive adventure, audiences will put their science and math skills to the test to help decode, decipher, and unravel the strange occurrences on the stage. Audiences will be able to interact with the Odd Squad through live and digital participation, allowing the junior agents in the audience to help solve these problems in real time alongside Olive and Otto. Designed to help kids ages five to eight build math skills, Odd Squad is full of references the entire family will enjoy, from Men in Black to Airplane to Get Smart.
Odd Squad is designed to help the junior agents in the audience ages five to eight build STEM skills.
We know you love your home at Enclave at Woodbridge Apartments in Sugar Land, Texas, but it’s important to stay active and involved in your community. Attending this event is the perfect chance for you to journey outside your comfort zone to meet new people and seek new opportunities.
Event Time/Date:
Saturday, January 21, 2017 – 5:30 PM
Event Venue Location:
Jones Hall
615 Louisiana Street
Houston, Texas 77002